Friday, October 24, 2008

Showering With a Friend

There were only two other ladies in the locker room when I entered, they had already showered and were dressing. I grabbed my shower stuff out of my locker and went to the shower area to begin my routine. I picked up my black plastic scrungie and poured some soap on it and then scrubbed my tummy. I moved up to my arms and was about to get my chest when I saw something emerge from inside the scrungie and then jump out.

It was the same inch and a half long roach I made the maintenance guy try to find that I saw in my locker last week. Dude must have been chilling with my soap and shampoo the entire time before he took a nap in my scrungie and then joined me in the shower.

Well of course I screamed. Dammit, I even cried a little. It took a few minutes for me to get the courage up to get my shampoo and finish the job. But only after Mary Pat came and took my friend away in a toilet paper body bag. Ironically she was once an exterminator.

Ah the perks of a free health club in your place of work.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What do you know?

We have another thing in common since the same thing happened to me except I was at home and nobody heard me scream or saw me cry.

I haven't run over anybody yet, but if I were to, I would hope her name would be Shirley Nagel.

You can google her if you have not heard the story.