Saturday, April 12, 2008

Peeing Can Be Green

I took a small group of students, six girls and one boy, on a field trip to a nearby college to hang a student exhibit. I thought they would benefit from the experience of hangng a show while visiting a college campus. It turns out that they learned a couple other things as well.
I thought the students would want to eat in the campus cafeteria but the girls were not impressed with the boys there and the boy was not impressed with the food selection. They opted, instead, for Burger King. Luckily there was a sushi restaurant right next to the Burger King, I went there and brought sushi back to the Burger King where my students waited for me in their new cardboard crowns.
As I sat down with my chopsticks and Jessica asks me, "Miss, can you be any whiter? I mean really, sushi?"
I mix a little wasabi with the soy sauce and say, "do you want to try some?"
Cherie, Linda and Jess reply in unison, "ewwwwwww!"
Cherie asks, "Is that even healthy? Isn't sushi raw fish?"
"Some sushi is raw," I say, "but nothing that I have here is raw, except for the vegetables."
The girls all agree to try some ginger. They hated it. The only thing funnier than the faces they made while eating it was the conversation that followed.
Bridget returns from the restroom declaring, "I love that when you go to the bathroom in a ladies' room you never have to worry about the the seat being down."
Cherie agrees, "Oh, I KNOW! I hate when my boyfriend leaves the seat up! It's always up when I come outta the shower and sometimes I've fallen through. There's something about being in the shower that makes me have to pee."
I ask, "Why don't you just pee in the shower?"
Cherie answers, "So many people have asked me that! I don't get it though, isn't the whole point of taking a shower to get clean? I'd just get myself dirty by peeing in there."
I've just put a piece of sushi in my mouth and am unable to speak so I use hand gestures. I look up at my hands raised over my head and slowly bring them toward my face while curling my fingers in one at a time. I repeat the motion to imitate the flow of water from a shower head. The girls laugh then Cherie says, "still, I think the feeling of pee running down my legs would gross me out."
Sushi continues to make speech impossible for me so I hold one hand up with index and pointer fingers creating a "v." Then, I turn the "v" upside down.
More laughter and I am able to clear my mouth of sushi and speak, "besides, peeing in the shower is healthy for the environment."
Linda asks, "How do you figure?"
"Because," I say, "you won't waste an extra gallon of water flushing and you also don't need to use toilet paper. So it saves water and trees!"
Jessica says, "huh, and I always thought pee was yellow."

Monday, April 7, 2008

The New Botox

For Spring Break, this year, I went economical and visited a cousin I hadn't seen in years. She lives in Texas, which is sooooo much warmer than Chicago that I invited myself for a five day stay with her and her 2 1/2 year old daughter.
We had coffee each morning outside and wine each evening, also outside. We went for walks and and drove to the beach and shopped resale for new clothes. I was able to pick up a bit of a tan to bring back to Chicago with me.
Any slight change in appearance is noticed by students who do nothing to hold back their shock in the change. It began first hour, "Miss, did you lighten your hair?" \
"No, my skin is darker."
"No, really, did you dye your hair?"
"No, I'm telling you, my skin is darker. I have a tan."
"oooooh. For real?"
Second hour it started all over, "Hey Miss! Is your hair blonder?" asks Sam.
"No, I have a tan so my hair looks lighter."
"You look younger," adds Hansel, always interested in a little extra credit via compliments.
"I think she got Botox," says Jorge.
"Did you get Botox?" asks Michael as he walks in.
"No, I'm just tan."
"No, she got Botox. Why'd you get Botox, Miss?" adds Jorge.
"You got Botox?" asks Diana when she walks in.
"I did know what? Just....I'm just tan."
"Did you wear sunglasses, Miss?" Asks Hansel.
"Of course I wore sunglasses."
"Oh," says Jorge, "that's why you look like you have Botox. You shoulda left your glasses off and just got Botox."
"You got Botox?" aks Mari as she walks in.